Environmental Surveys

Professional Diving Services have been completing environmental seabed surveys and environmental monitoring for over 30 years. Professional Diving Services have developed safe practical methods of data and sample collection. We have qualified and experienced Marine Ecologists, Marine Biologists and Maritime Archaeologist on staff, offering a high level of experience to any environmental project. Professional Diving Services has a wide range of monitoring equipment to support its works including; turbidity loggers and light loggers.
Professional Diving Services have a wide range of experience assisting and managing environmental projects including:
- Wave buoy and Triaxy Buoys- mooring design, installation and retrieval, servicing and maintenance
- Logger installation, removal, servicing and maintenance- AWACs, ADCPs, Light loggers, Turbidity Loggers, CTD Loggers
- Water quality monitoring- writing and reviewing programs, completing works with an emphasis on ensuring assurance of projects quality.
- Wave power projects- siting and design, environmental approvals and habitat mapping and classification.
- Habitat mapping- sidescan and multibeam mapping
- Habitat classification- using ROV or drop cameras
- Sediment sampling – piston coring and vibracoring.
Professional Diving Services have experience in preparing and executing Environmental Effects Statements and offer environmental consultancy to projects.