Diver Surveys

PMSS is particularly experienced in scientific diving surveys. As a minimum all members of our scientific dive team are certified Part 1 ADAS commercial divers. Diver survey applications include biological and geophysical scuba surveys, pest inspections, biofouling solutions and marine archaeology. Diver teams are equipped with full-face Aga masks enabling diver video streaming and subsea communications if applicable.
Surface Supply Breathing Apparatus
As a company we pride ourselves in our experience and qualified personnel available for works requiring ADAS Part 2 and 3 divers for diving works in water depths up to 50 m and Surface Supply Breathing Apparatus (SSBA). These applications include works requiring live feed video surveys and pneumatic tools such as cutting, welding and drilling.
Confined space and Contamination suit diving
In addition to our scientific diving capabilities, PMSS also has diving equipment and qualified personnel for confined space and contamination suit diving. This equipment is useful for applications in treatment water/biohazardous environments and in confined spaces such as tanks and subsea infrastructure.